Helix V Eight DSP MK2

Helix V Eight DSP MK2

1,599.00 лв.

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1,599.00 лв.

Helix V Eight DSP MK2 е второ поколение 8-канален усилвател с вграден 10-канален звуков процесор. Малката промяна в името MK2 всъщност е голяма промяна във вътрешността на модела. Увеличената скорост е благодарение на 32-битовия допълнителен процесор ACO, който подпомага комуникацията между DSP PC-Tool софтуера и усилвателя както и за мигновенното превключване през запаметени звукови сетъпи. ACO платформата обаче предлага повече! Звукови ефекти като Augmented Bass Processing и RearCenter са внедрени в софтуера, а спектрален анализатор на входния сигнал (Inpus Signal Analyzer ISA) помага за линейната настройка и компенсира недостатъците на фабричните източници.

Нови сигнални конвертори за оптимизация на качеството на звука
Вместо комбинирани кодеци, новият V EIGHT DSP MK2 използва отделни AD и DA конвертори от последното поколение на Asahi Kasei с 32-битова резолюция.

Virtual Channel Processing – that´s how signal routing works today
The adaptation to modern OE sound systems via an increasing number of inputs has a significant impact on the complexity of the signal routing inside the amplifier. Especially when several input signals are mixed together and then split again into multi-way systems, conventional routing concepts quickly reach their limits, both in terms of implementation and usability.  Audiotec Fischer’s new multi-stage „Virtual Channel Processing“, in conjunction with the recognized user-friendly DSP PC-Tool software makes it easy to realize even highly complex system configurations. Besides, it allows to freely assign our proprietary FX sound features such as „RealCenter“ or „Augmented Bass Processing“.

Maximum connectivity
Повече и повече от съвременните автомобили са оборудвани с фабрични аудио системи с мултиканален усилвател, който не може просто да бъде заменен с друг. Адаптацията на нова аудио система в тази ситуация изисква не само мултиканален вход по високо ниво, но и възможност за регулиране на входната чувствителност. За това Helix V Eight DSP MK2 е оборудван както със шест RCA входа така и с 8 входа по високо ниво с входно напрежение от 4V до 32V. Разбира се V Eight DSP MK2 е снабден и с последното поколение ADEP.3 електроника (Advanced Diagnostic Error Protection) за безпроблемно интегриране към фабрични аудио системи.


  • До 160 W RMS изходна мощност на канал при 2Ω
  • “Pure Class GD” концепция за превъзходно качество на звука в комбинация с най-добрата производителност
  • Мощен 64 битов “fixed point” аудио DSP
  • ACO – Advanced 32-битов допълнителен процесор за DSP функции като:
    • ISA (Спектрален анализатор на входния сигнал) и InputEQ за анализ и корекция на входния сигнал
    • SFX специални звукови ефекти – Augmented Bass Processing, StageXpander, RealCenter & Co.
  • 1 to 1 Input / Output Routing (IOR) – same number of highlevel inputs and amplifier outputs
  • Virtual Channel Processing (VCP) allows even more flexible configuration for highly complex sound systems
  • HELIX Extension Card slot (HEC) for additional input / output modules like Bluetooth® Audio Streaming, High Resolution Audio Streaming via USB etc.
  • Компактен дизайн с ниски нива на загряване поради оптимална ефективност

Special features:

Pure Class GD amplifier technology
Audiotec Fischers proprietary Pure Class GD concept takes the efficiency of conventional Class D amps to the next level. By varying the internal supply voltage depending on the amplifier’s input signals, idle losses are significantly reduced and overall efficiency is close to maximum at any time.
So heat dissipation is almost negligible thus allowing smallest heat sinks and most compact form factors. Besides that Pure Class GD amp outperforms conventional Class D designs in terms of sound quality by implementing a fully differential signal path and improved output filter design.

ACO – Advanced 32 Bit CoProcessor
The HELIX V EIGHT DSP MK2 incorporates an extraordinary powerful 32 Bit CoProcessor of the latest generation for all monitoring and communication tasks, both internally and externally. In opposite to the 8 Bit predecessor generation this MCU achieves way higher speeds with respect to setup switching and data communication with our DSP PC-Tool software. A further significant advantage is the integrated, native boot loader of the CoProcessor.
It allows software upgrades of all components of the integrated DSP in order to adjust the microcontroller-controlled ADEP.3 circuit for example to future requirements of the diagnostic system of factory radios or if the device will be extended with additional interfaces. In addition, thanks to the new flash memory, the ACO offers 10 memory locations for sound setups instead of the common two.

Smart highlevel input ADEP.3
Modern, factory-installed car radios incorporate sophisticated possibilities of diagnosing the connected speakers. In particular the latest generation of car radios are equipped with additional monitoring functions so that failure messages and loss of specific features (e.g. fader function) quite often appear if an amplifier will be hooked up – but not with the V EIGHT DSP MK2.
The new ADEP.3 circuit (Advanced Diagnostics Error Protection, 3rd Generation) avoids all these problems without loading the speaker outputs of the OE radio during high volumes unnecessarily.

Start-Stop capability
The switched power supply of the HELIX V EIGHT DSP MK2 assures a constant internal supply voltage even if the battery’s voltage drops to 6 Volts during engine crank.

Power Save Mode
The Power Save Mode is incorporated in the basic setup. It allows to significantly reduce the power consumption of the amplifiers that are connected to the HELIX V EIGHT DSP MK2 once there’s no input signal present for more than 60 seconds. Please note that in many up-to-date cars with “CAN” or any other internal bus structures it may happen that the radio remains “invisibly” turned on for up to 45 min. even after locking and leaving the car! Once the “Power Save Mode“ is active the remote output and therefore the connected amplifiers will be turned off.
The V EIGHT DSP MK2 will reactivate the remote output within a second if a music signal is applied. It is possible to either modify the turn-off time of 60 sec. or completely deactivate the “Power Save Mode” via the DSP PC-Tool software.

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Power RMS ≤ 1% THD+N  
– @ 4 Ohms 75 Watts per channel
– @ 2 Ohms 120 Watts per channel
– @ 1 Ohm
– bridged @ 4 Ohms
– bridged @ 2 Ohms
Max. output power per channel* Up to 160 Watts RMS @ 2 Ohms
Amplifier technology Pure Class GD
Inputs 6 x RCA / Cinch
8 x Highlevel speaker input
1 x Optical SPDIF (12 – 96 kHz)
1 x Remote In
Input sensitivity RCA / Cinch max. 4 V or max. 8 V
Highlevel max. 16 V or max. 32 V
Input impedance RCA / Cinch 12 kOhms
Input impedance highlevel 9 – 33 Ohms or 20 kOhms
Outputs 8 x Speaker output
2 x RCA / Cinch
2 x Remote Out
Output voltage RCA / Cinch 3 Volts RMS
Frequency response 20 Hz – 22,000 Hz
DSP resolution 64 Bit
DSP power 295 MHz (1.2 billion MAC operations/second)
Sampling rate 48 kHz
DSP type Audio signal processor
Signal converters A/D: AKM 32 Bit
D/A: AKM 32 Bit
Signal-to-noise ratio digital input 107 dB (A-weighted)
Signal-to-noise ration analog input 102 dB (A-weighted)
Distortion (THD) < 0.015 %
Damping factor > 70
Operating voltage 10.5 – 16 Volts (max. 5 sec.down to 6 Volts)
Idle current 540 mA
Max. remote output current 500 mA
Fuse 2 x 30 A LP-Mini-fuse (APS)
Additional features HEC slot, ADEP.3 circuit, Auto Remote switch, 32 Bit CoProcessor, Control Input
Dimensions (H x W x D) 44 x 220 x 180 mm /


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