
Субуфер Hertz MM 12″

Субуфер Hertz MM 12″

959.00 лв.

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959.00 лв.

12″ свръх мощен субуфер, специално разработен за SPL състезания.

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Състои се от 2 мобилни групи – моторна група с корпус и магнит – MM12
и системата от Kevlar конус  – MG12 
Размер: 320mm (12″)
Мощност: – 8000W Peak  
Мощност – 2000W Continuous
Импеданс:  1.5Ω 1.5Ω
Честотна лента:   32 ÷ 1000 Hz
Чувствителност: 94dB SPL
Размер на бобината: Ø  75mm (3″)
Материал на конуса- Kevlar с 2 трептилки
Xmax- 20 mm
X-mech- 35mm (1.4″)
1. RMA: Removable Mobile Assembly for durable performance level during
2. Four-layer CCAW voice coil, wound on TIL-P support with venting holes, a fibermixed
material providing high thermal and mechanic resistance.
3. Voice coil winding treated with a special thermal paint lowering the working
temperature by 30% and reducing mechanical stress.
4. DSS-2: Double Symmetrical Spider featuring a progressive roll. Each pair of spiders
is coupled with silicon glue, for a limitless power handling.
5. Back vented spider support, avoiding air compression during wide excursion.
6. Reduced contact resistance connections with 8 AWG cables soldered directly to the
7. Flat textile-waved ultra-low resistance leadwires integrated into the spider for
unparalleled conductivity.
8. High-density large foam surround, ensuring high efficiency thanks to low weight
and undistorted pressure even under extreme excursions.
9. Water-repellent pressed paper cone.

Допълнителна информация

RMS мощност

Пикова мощност




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